Sunday, December 16, 2007

And I start blogging

I have been thinking of blogging since a very long time, but I always had the question of Why? why people blog? and I guess I finally got it, it is not to keep your market value high but it is to document your thoughts, ideas and knowledge so you can remember them later :-) Anyway this blog I am dedicating for my passion about the Microsoft Project Management solution (known as EPM) and all the technologies around it and these are:
  1. Project Professional
  2. Project Server
  3. SharePoint (both WSS and MOSS)
  4. SQL Server
  5. Microsoft Portfolio Server
  6. IIS
  7. and even Windows

    I don't mean to keep it technical blog only but actually I want to document both my technical and business experience and thoughts online and see how it is growing.
    So if you here enjoy, if you are not, don't worry you don't know about this blog anyway :-)

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